Katoomba High School

Quality and Creativity

Telephone02 4782 2622

Email[email protected]

Parents and Caregivers

Parents and Caregivers, We Need Your Help!

Education doesn't begin and end at the school gate. Students achieve their best when they have a home and community environment that promotes learning. Here are some resources you can use to help us help all our students reach their full potential in maths.


You can also visit our Study Skills page for further ways to enhance your child's success in mathematics.



All classes have homework to complete each week. Homework can be in the form of extra exercises to complete after each lesson, regular revision assignments and exam revision assignments leading up to major exams.


Get to Know Your Child's Teachers

All the maths teachers at Katoomba High are keen to discuss your child's progress with you and to offer advice about how you can help your child at home. You can contact the Mathematics Faculty by calling the School on 47822622 during school hours.