Katoomba High School

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H.S.I.E. Stage 5


Year 9 History

               In year 9 the historical focus shifts to Australia and the first half of the twentieth century. Students learn about Federation, the First World War, and life in Australia between the wars. The Great Depression is covered and the course finishes with Australia's involvement in Word War Two. Important themes such as the fight for rights for women and Aboriginal people are emphasised.


Cover Page (pdf 122 KB)

Instructions (pdf 274 KB)

Reflection and Feedback (pdf 94 KB)


Year 9 Geography                        

               As in History, the focus is now in Australia. The physical environments of this driest of continents are examined, and the issues concerning their management and sustainability explored. The forces that have shaped the environment are covered, as are the extreme weather events of bushfires, earthquakes, cyclones and floods. Australian communities are another focus of this course, with the diversity and complexity of communities in Australia being  examined. Students will focus on one community in particular and develop skills in interpreting demographic data among other things.   

Year 10 History

               In year 10 History, students pick up where they left off in year 9. The focus is on Twentieth Century Australia from the end of World War Two to the present. Students will continue to study the themes of the fight for rights for Women and Aboriginal people, but Australia's role as a world citizen is also covered. Social and cultural history receives some attention, and students are required to produce a major assignment on the decade of their choice. As with the year 9 course, Australia's role in the wars of the twentieth century continues to be a strong theme, and the Vietnam War is singled out for particular attention.


Year 10 Geography

               The focus of the year 10 course is Australia's place in the modern world, with particular emphasis on our links with South-East Asia. Students study the way Australia interacts with other nations including: aid, migration, communication, tourism, culture, trade, defence, and sport. Population growth and its possible impacts on Australian society and environment is also covered in the year 10 course, as well as the challenges Australia faces in terms of its human rights record, and how that record is viewed overseas. Domestically the course focuses on land and water use in Australia, and the issues that have arisen over the sustainable management of the Australian landscape.


Assessment in Years 9 and 10

               There continues to be an emphasis on the importance of the work that students complete in their workbooks, both in the classroom and at home. Our policy is that books are collected fortnightly for assessment so that students receive ongoing feedback about their progress. Coursework plays a crucial role in the development of knowledge and skills. According to the NSW Board of Studies, it is crucial that students apply 'diligence and sustained effort' in all course work. Assessment is comprised of a common major research task that is marked across all the classes, and a common examination. These components are weighted at 50% each. Both the research task and the examination are formal assessment tasks and the rules outlined in Katoomba High School's Assessment Policy apply to them.