Katoomba High School

Quality and Creativity

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School Captains

School Captains

From the school's inception in 1919 until 1933, all of the school captains were males. This did not change until 1934 when co-captains were introduced.


 Year  Captain
 1919  B. Heavey
 1920  R. Cmpbell
 1921  E. Elphinston A. Brown
 1923 & 1924  H. Went
 1925  R. V. Stewart
 1926  A. Cranston
 1927  L. Dowton
 1928  C. Blick
 1930  J. Cobley
 1931  W. Milgate
 1932  T. Bateman
 1933  M. Price

1934 onwards


From 1934 on there were two school captains, a boy and a girl. The captains of 1966, Peter Picken and Maureen Cardwell, did double duty, as 1967 was the first year that students went on to 6th Form (now Year 12). Prior to that school concluded, for those who stayed that long, at the end of 5th Form.

To see the complete list of Katoomba High School Captains from 1934 onwards, open this attached document, Captains, 1934 onwards (pdf 193 KB)


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